Gaming Anniversaries April 27- Super Smash Bros

Super Smash Bros

Released on April 27 1999- Super Smash Bros

Released for the Nintendo 64 in North America on April 27 of 1999. Super Smash Bros.

The series that started a frenzy among Nintendo fans made its debut on this date. Becoming instantly popular for its mash-up of Nintendo characters. Played the same way as any other fighting game as it included eight characters from the beginning with several additional characters to be unlocked. Each with their own unique power ups and move sets. One of the main reasons for the popularity of the game was that it allowed for four players to play against each other. Allowing for some vicious party game play.

The game plays in scenes taken from other games. Such as the Mushroom Kingdom or a Pokemon Center.

Additionally, Super Smash Bros had several mini games such as training as well as “board the platform” or “break the targets”.



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