Gaming Anniversaries December 28- Super Ninja Boy

Super Ninja Boy

Released December 28, 1991- Super Ninja Boy

Super Ninja Boy kicked into the Japanese market on this day in 1991! For the Super Famicom!

A unique Japanese action role-playing game featuring the characters jack and Ryu. It’s 2-players, similar to Secret of Mana. If only one player is playing, the main character is Jack.

The game starts with a spaceship descending from heaven with a message of peace and love from Rub-a-Doc. However, it is soon discovered that evil monsters have invaded. It’s up to Super Ninja Boy Jack to stop them and return true peace to Chinaland. Yes Chinaland. That is where the game takes place.

Players were traverse dungeons, fending off hordes of enemies and large bosses along their quest. Furthermore, as the game is an ARPG, you will collect experience points, new weapons and armor as well as new abilities! All of this makes Super Ninja Boy a must play game on the SNES. That is, if you like poor controls and near impossible timing. Unfortunately, Super Ninja Boy is’nt the best example of Culture Brain (Developers) best work.

Getting past all of it, had the game been given a little more time in the oven, it could’ve easily been one of the best games on the SNES. Sadly, that isn’t the case. It’s plagued with poor controls, looping and poor quality music as well as slowness. Almost like the SNES can’t handle it.

Have you played Super Ninja Boy? Let us know in the comments down below!

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