Gaming Anniversaries May 26’th- SimCity 2000

SimCity 2000

Released on May 26’th, 1995- SimCity 2000

The brilliant US launch title for the Super Nintendo, seen its sequel, SimCity 2000 ported from the PC on this day in 1995.

Released first in Japan and later in the North American market, SimCity 2000 for the Super Famicom is one of the first console ports of the game.

Unfortunately, it didn’t turn out so well. In order to fit the excellent PC game, the game had to be stripped of many features. Save slots, as well as disasters such as volcanoes, were removed. Additionally, the game was very slow and choppy. The screen did not scroll fluidly and it became a chore to continue playing at all. Moreover, the game did not have much of a scenario selection. Including just five scenarios and only allowing for six city maps. The game also removed cheat codes from the port.

SimCity 2000 was not very well received on the Super Famicom, however, it did receive another port on Nintendo hardware a few years later for the GameBoy Advance.

I think I’ll stick to SimCity on the SNES.


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