Gaming Anniversaries July 8- Bible Master 2

Bible Master 2

Released July 8, 1994- Bible Master 2 The Chaos of Aglia

Bible Master 2 came to the Japanese market on this day in 1994. For the Japanese market.

Bible Master 2 The Chaos of Aglia is a hybrid real-time strategy/ RPG game. The game takes place in the fantasy land of Aglia. You play as a knight who upon completing his initiation into Knighthood, must protect Aglia from pagan worshippers.

Funnily, the game has very little to do with the bible outside of that. Bible Master 2 features a slow pace gameplay that could be frustrating to some, however, fans of real time strategy may adore the game for this fact. It also features a fantastic soundtrack and some fabulous 16-bit graphics. Sadly, however, the game was never released outside of Japan for the Pc-98, so fans of similar games in the West may never be able to play without knowing the language.

The game currently sells for a little over $100 on eBay for the adventurous among you.

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