Gaming Anniversaries June 4- Dig Dug

Dig Dug

Released June 4, 1985- Dig Dug

Dig Dug came to the Japanese market on the Nintendo Famicom on this day in 1985.

Originally released in 1982 by Namcot, Dig Dug is a port of the original game for the Nintendo Famicom system. The game features the character officially known as “Dig Dug” but later renamed “Taizo Hori”. Players must dig through the earth using a shovel and an air pump. Along the way, the two monsters known as Pooka and Fygar will try to prevent you from doing so. The objective is to stop the monsters from stopping you.

Players can use the air pump that you’re equipped with to pump the monsters to the point of exploding. Additionally, rocks are scattered through the levels that one can dig under and if timed just right, will fall on the monster’s heads.

The game has been rated the sixth most popular arcade game and its port was rated very highly as well. Subsequently, this leads to more versions and sequels. The game is still praised to this day.


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