Gaming Anniversaries June 26- Little Samson

Little Samson

Released June 26, 1992- Little Samson

Little Samson hit store shelves in Japan on this day in 1992. For the Nintendo Famicom. Originally known as Seirei Densetsu Lickle. (Holy Bell Legend: Lickle)

Little SamsonLittle Samson, currently one of the rarest games for the NES found its way to the Famicom today in 92′. The game produced by Taito was so late to the NES that very few copies sold. However, the game is fantastic.

Players take control of one of four heroes summoned by the King to stop the evil Prince of Darkness known as Ta Keed. It’s up to the player to utilize the strengths and weaknesses of each character to stop the four wizards who are Ta Keed’s henchman. Each wizard will then become a different even larger boss, such as a cyclops or a Dragon. The game’s story is equally as interesting and yet fairly simple. Basically, Ta Keed was once sealed away by magic and unleashed by a thunderstorm. He rises with his plans immediately set in motion to take over the Kingdom. Samson and the crew must take out the henchman and ultimately stop and seal away Ta Keed once again.

The heroes are quite cute. We have Samson, the Human, KO the Mouse, Kikira the Dragon and Gamm the Golem. Each one has their own strengths players will use in battle.

Little Samson is known as one of the best platformers on the NES. Sadly, there was never a re-release of the title. Making it quite desirable to current collectors.



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